Search for available texts

Would you like not to spend a fortune on having your text translated? Place your inquiry with us to see whether your operating manual, service book, an article, a paper or any other text, or part of it has been translated into the desired language before.

If you are lucky, we will find the whole of your text translated already, or maybe only a part of it. (If you need the whole text, we will be glad to translate the missing parts for you and merge it with the existing part so that you have a unified, complete translation.)

Even if the translation could not be found, this doesn't necessarily mean no such translation exists. Simply ask us to launch a nationwide (or international) search, which may eventually result in the finding of the translation you are seeking for.

And in the event that nothing has been found - which probably does mean that the text in question has never been translated - either ask TeleTrans® to translate it or - making use of our Invitation for Bids service – let us invite translators to offer their conditions (price, terms etc.) under which they would be willing to do the job for you.

Either way, it should come out cheaper if you make us your choice. Let us do our best for you. We will help you with pleasure!   



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